Friday, November 1, 2019

Boogeymsn of the Woods

The moon lit dark woods...a few hours later..

With her wrists tied behind her back, Angel marches guarded by the two unearthy boogeybigfoots. They've taken her deep in the dark woods where she wouldn't be found. Angel knows she's far and away from the safty of her cabin. She still has no idea why the strange giants took her in the first place. The last thing she recalls is the UFO crash and the disc and the rests she blacked out.
 She's still clad in her leopard thing bikini. She doesn't how long she has been out and the night feels like close to midnight. The trail they're on take them somewhere and she suspects something else wants her.
 Angel feels the bigfoot hand stroke her long beautiful glowing hair. As she gazes around she picks up on the fact that something is off about these woods. She doesn't know what. The alien like bigfoot boogey creatures guard her zealously and she doesn't try to escape.
"Who wants me?" She murmurs to herself. Angel still has no idea. She follows her captors onward as she trys to make conversation but they don't understand her and she doesn't understand them.

A few hours later...
 They reach a huge cavern near a river. Strangly surreal are steps in front of her. The one of the buggey creatures prod her up the steps and she complys for she has no choice. Angel marches up the steps and steps at the mouth of the cavern and sees huge torch lights glowing. The cavern has that Halloween feel about it.
"Ah you have her," a disembodied voive declares out of the semi darkness.
Angel wants to shout back but she doesn't. One of the boogey creatures marches her forward. Her strange night journey has now come to end here. Seconds later she stands before a strange muscled enitity in front of her and its eyes stab into her soul.
 "You found me Boogeyman," She declares.
 "Yes I have."
  "This means I'm yours," Angel declares.
 The Boogeyman climbs down off his throne and places his hand on Angel's shoulder and marches her somewhere in his cavern.

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