Deep in the erotic jungles of the Ownverse somewhere...
Angel is sensually intoxicated with her mysterious owner. She lays with with her wrists loosely tied to some broken fingers in a smooth large hand. The Mysterious mask oue couldn't keep his paws nor his lips off of her. Angel gasps and begs for more.
"Boy this world turns me on," she murmurs. At the sametime Angel feels the phases of the moon changes which means time to see her yet this owner isn't gong to let her go. For to him angel is far too perfect of a own goddess. She licks her owner and says "I can remain with you forever." But Angel knows that she can't for this Ownverse dictates her fate and destiny. She knows her will is controled by some unseen godlike forces which brought her here.
She hears a shock of thunder and she knows her owner is violating rules the gods had layed down long ago.
"You must sell me or leave me hear you incided the wrath of the gods." Angel murmurs.
The mysterious masked one stops and examines the moon phases.
The mysterious mask one doesn't say anything. He ties her hands tighter on the broken finger on the huge hand and she feels her ankles being tied as well. She knows that the mask one is going to leave her at the mercy of the Ownverse. Angel senses her owner coming.
The mysterious mask one disappears into the jungle as the storm rolls in. Angel welcomes the rain as it falls on her perfect nude hardbod. Seconds later she sees elk like horn shadows appear.
She feels thier eyes probing her especially thier leader. She lets his thoughts mingle with hers. Angel whispers "Own me great one."
She sees the leader emerge and seconds later he appears his eyes glowing. He liplocks with her as he cuts her bounds. Seconds later Angel stands soaken wet nude as she feels her wrists reited.
She mentally notes this druid is a renegade as she marches with him toward his black steed. She sees the others eye as if she belongs to them. For now she belongs to one.
Seconds Angel lays on his saddle as she feels his firm fingers on her bare ass. Angel feels his steed turn and the leader and his raiders disappear with thier own goddess in a driving rain...
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